Reformation - Jonathan Edwards - Glory to God Alone

Date: October 29, 2017
Speaker: Pastor Dave
Text: Romans 11:33 11:36
Series: Reformation 500th



About This Sermon:

This Sunday is Reformation Sunday and while we have been studying the Reformation all month we will conclude our series this Sunday with a  look at the impact of the Reformation, 200 years later in America.  This week we will look at the ministry of Jonathan Edwards, and the doctrine of Glory to God Alone.

Jonathan Edwards was one of the greatest preachers in the history of our country and his preaching was strongly influenced by the Reformation.  In fact, our founding fathers and our government structure owe a good deal to the ideals and theology that came out of the Reformation and specifically the teachings of Calvin.  Edwards in large part shaped the theology of early America… and for Edwards, all of life and all of scripture was about seeing the Glory of God in everything. 

Our text for this Sunday is going to be:  Romans 11:33-36.  This was my father’s favorite passage and the one I preached from at his funeral.  I could think of no other text that so magnifies and celebrates the Glory of God.