Never Too Old for an Adventure

Date: July 16, 2017
Speaker: Pastor Dave
Text: Romans 4:13 4:25
Series: Romans



About This Sermon:

Romans 4:13-25

When Abraham was 75 years old, God, in Genesis 12:1, called him to take his family and all his possessions “to the land I will show you.”  Abraham had no idea where this land was, he probably also didn’t even know this God. But He obeyed anyway. He epitomized “Never Too Old for an Adventure”.  Abraham in faith obeyed.  And that faith involved, to which we’re called…

  1. Simple TRUST in God 
  1. Accepting in your life the GRACE of the God in whom you’ve put your simple trust 
  1. Letting it make a difference by filling your life with HOPE 

The wages of sin is death, but for those in Christ there’s new life!  It’s simply a matter of trust.  It’s simply a matter of accepting God’s grace.  It’s simply a matter of allowing Christ to make the critical difference in your life and so fill your life with hope.  Can you do that?  Will you do that?