Our Life’s Purpose

Date: October 4, 2015
Text: 1 Corinthians";i:1;s:4:"Luke 15:58
Series: How then shall we live?



About This Sermon:

Series: How then shall we live?
Today: Our Life’s Purpose
Texts: 1 Corinthians 15:58; Luke 7:18-23


From Pastor Dave: Jesus entire ministry was about his ushering in the Kingdom of God. And that phrase “the Kingdom of God” refers to God accomplishing the restoration of his world under the Lordship of his risen son Jesus. Sin corrupted God’s perfect world, but the story of his Kingdom is the story of God undoing the ravaging effects of sin on his beautiful creation. Just as he redeems us through the work of Jesus… so too he wants to redeem his world as well. And he wants us to be part of that process… in fact he has chosen us to be an important part of that process of restoration. It is my prayer that you will be challenged by this series to reconsider: how then shall I live?

Series: How then shall we live?

Today: Our Life’s Purpose
Texts: 1 Corinthians 15:58; Luke 7:18-23

1. Too often culture has shaped the mission of the church
a. 1 Corinthians 15:58

2. The Kingdom of God accomplishes the purpose of God IN THIS WORLD TODAY
a. Mark 1:14-15
b. Luke 22:18

3. So what does this Kingdom look like?
a. Luke 7
b. Luke 7:22

4. So how then shall we live?
a. 1 Corinthians 15:58
b. Luke 5:5

As members of the Kingdom of God we are to work tirelessly bringing the love of God and the care of God to those who are less fortunate.